The power of change

Change is often necessary and can be anxiety provoking. However, it is inevitable, and so should be something we embrace – looking for opportunities to improve our wellbeing. It is through change that we grow and adapt.

Recently, I have witnessed change for others, bereavement, moving country, and changing employer. Now there is change much closer to me, my eldest leaving school and probably leaving home. That will be a significant change and although they are clearly old enough and ready to move, I will miss them terribly and I will worry about where they are and what they are doing.

We recognise the need for change so why not use our courage to make change. Set goals and aspirations that you strive for and these will drive change.

Try to see change as a challenge to be embraced, with opportunity to try new things and learning. This will lead to new experiences and growth.

If needed, seek help and support. These can be friends, family or colleagues. These people will also be those who may offer guidance and encouragement, as well as holding you to account, reminding you to keep to deadlines, as well as appraising your achievements and encouraging you to follow up opportunities. There may also be a desire to seek coaching to assist on the journey of change.

When you have achieved a goal, celebrate it.

Power of change