Keeping your New Year’s resolutions
It is Sunday 14th January 2024, and many will have not maintained their New Year’s Resolutions. Why is this?
We can often over-estimate our possibilities and then feel disheartened when we do not achieve this, such as going to the gym for one hour every day.
To spend the effort on this change we must know why. Why spend an hour in the gym if we do not have a “why?”
The pain of remaining the status quo must be greater than the pain of the New Year’s Resolution.
Maybe you are not ready for change, there are five stages of change. These are precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance, it is believed that those who are successful in their New Year’s Resolution are already at the action stage.
In precontemplation and contemplation you must experience discomfort otherwise there is not a driver to want change. An all or nothing mindset or perfectionism can hamper you moving to preparation. A fear of failure can prevent progress too.
In preparation you must set realistic goals with manageable steps. If you keep your goals private then you have no support from family and friends to offer guidance, motivation and reassurance. A personal reason for change is a much bigger driver than society expectations.
To maintain change it must become a habit.
If you feel your resolutions slipping, try to reassess your goal to see if this is meaningful to you. Establish short-term objectives that can be quick celebratory wins to encourage you. Prepare to create change to achieve your goals and maintain your resolutions, anticipate obstacles and be ready, track your progress and get support. Through all this practice self-compassion.
Most of all do not feel disheartened if you have not maintained your New Year’s Resolution. Now was not the right time for you. Carefully contemplate what is right for you and when it is the right time.